Profits Over People

Discussion on ingredients in foods that we eat—and what to watch out for. Mentioned in the podcast: Fungi-Mush: Bobby Parrish (Flav):...

Rabbit Trail Conversation Kind of Day

For this Podcast/Videocast, Evelyn and I are testing out our new set-up and letting the conversation go wherever it decides to go. . . . . But, we touch on things from tech stuff, leadership, preaching, some politics and even economics (sort of). That’s alot...

Follow the Leader?

Let’s face it, there are people who follow and people who lead, and there are more followers than there are leaders. What makes a good leader? What makes a bad leader? What makes someone a...

When Teaching or Learning Become Difficult Things

Teaching an old dogs new tricks? That’s not always the case. Sure it can be difficult to learn new things when you’re older and set in your ways but sometimes it’s difficult for younger people as well, depending on the circumstance. There’s...