Rightness Done Wrong (Romans 14)

Well, first let’s talk about translations and then work our way into Romans 14. The overall point is the idea that you may be right about something but you may be going about your rightness the wrong...

When Teaching or Learning Become Difficult Things

Teaching an old dogs new tricks? That’s not always the case. Sure it can be difficult to learn new things when you’re older and set in your ways but sometimes it’s difficult for younger people as well, depending on the circumstance. There’s...

Health Responsibility

Many of us rely on the guidance of our physicians to help us navigate the myriad of health concerns that we all encounter from simply being human. Simply put, we put a tremendous amount of trust in our physicians. So, we gotta ask: How much responsibility do you take...

Working Out A Theology of Suffering

How are we supposed to understand suffering in light of Scripture? How does Scripture inform our suffering and how does Jesus set the example for suffering? Join us as we navigate our way through the topic of suffering and what it means to develop a biblical theology...